

Degree: Global Communications and Clean Air, Water and Energy (VtMGC_EM)
Period: 2024-2025

Learning outcomes:

Students who have completed MSc in Global Communications and Clean Air, Water and Energy are able to:

- Understand, detect and construct new forms of influence and strategic narratives in the context of rapid developments in media landscape, geopolitics and AI.

- Critically analyse and assess different forms of soft power that shape the global and local perspectives on sustainability and green transition.

- Understand a broad array of theoretical perspectives and approaches related to global communications and sustainability.

- Apply and examine latest scientific knowledge and debates on global communications, soft power and sustainability.

- Critically read and evaluate communication science theories and literature.

- Understand how AI and the adoption of new media technologies globally shape the functioning of societies, organisations and individuals – from global communication perspectives.



  • Degree Master of Social Sciences (M.Soc.Sc.), (Yhteiskuntatieteiden maisteri in Finnish)
  • Higher university degree, gives eligibility to apply for scientific doctoral studies
  • Extent 120 ECTS credits

The Master's degree (120 ECTS) consists of core studies, language studies, advanced specialisation studies and multidisciplinary studies in critical systems of the society. The Master's Thesis and Seminar is included in the advanced specialisation studies. Elective studies can be any courses offered by LUT if the required prerequisites are fulfilled. Studies in other universities/from abroad may be included upon application, too.

Core studies31,00
Language and communication studies4,00
Advanced specialisation studies60,00
Multidisciplinary studies, critical systems of the society25,00
Elective studies0,00